Isn’t it true that we, the people, are all forced to live under the laws and authority of the governments? Do any of us have the option or the freedom to quit from the government control? Do any of us have the freedom to live independently?
Isn’t the government the absolute owner of all of our country’s lands, water resources, and natural resources? If so, isn’t the entire population of our country compelled to live only under the authority of the government?
Political system and the surrounding politics decides on everything from our food, education, medicine, to our power, industry, media, transportation, sports, and all other necessities and non-essential activities.
But don’t many of us live our lives just worrying about our personal lives, jobs, relationships, and families? Considering our personal hardships, where we don’t have the time to think about ourselves and we don’t even have enough money to support our families, don’t many of us stay away from politics?
Don’t many of us avoid politics because we believe the political system is absolutely corrupt? Don’t we all spend our days criticizing our government’s decisions and ineffective administrations? And don’t many of us believe that we know and discuss politics when we follow and debate on the daily news, political headlines, trending topics and discuss about parties and leaders?
If not, don’t we just express our frustrations and displeasures about politics only during the elections, cast our votes thinking we have fulfilled our democratic responsibility, and then stay away from politics completely?
Isn’t it true that many of us are unaware of current political events, regardless of whatever group we fall into? And isn’t it true that majority of us stay away from the politics?
Even if we are uninterested in politics and if we don’t know anything about it, doesn’t politics control every aspect of our daily lives? If so, why do none of us care about the political system that controls our lives?
Do we stay out of politics on our own? Or are we all programmed to avoid politics? Isn’t it true that we are manipulated into believing that politics is bad and harmful and that nothing can be done about it? Isn’t it true that we are persuaded to believe that avoiding politics is better for us?
If that’s the case, what’s the goal in intentionally generating hatred towards politics? What is the purpose of distracting the public from the government’s operations? Why plan and make people avoid politics?
Isn’t hiding one’s actions and diverting the attention of the people, the methods and tricks of a deceiver? If so, aren’t we all deceived by keeping us away from politics and distracting us with endless trending now’s and flash headlines?
Why are we all being deceived? Are we all being deceived to cover up the flaws in the governance? Or is it to hide the fact that structure of the entire political system is flawed? If so, aren’t we all programmed to stay away from politics so as to distract us from the fact that everything that happens in the name of politics, governance, and authority is against us?

If the political system is against us, doesn’t that imply that the government, which is the foundation of the political system, the laws followed by the government, the police force, the legal system, the governance, and the administrative set-up that serves as the tools of government are also against us?
If the government is not for the people, will the government’s agricultural policies and schemes aim to improve our agriculture and support our farmers? Isn’t that the reason, why the modern agriculture has poisoned our food and depleted the fertility of our lands?
If the government is not for the people, will the government-supported medical system function to make us healthy? Isn’t that the reason why are conditioned to believe in a medical system that profits from our diseases?
If the government is not for the people, can the government-run education system work for the betterment of our children? Isn’t this why we’re all raised to be disinterested and unwilling? Isn’t this why we’ve all grown accustomed to accept things as they are and continue on with our lives without questioning anything?
If the government is not for the people, will the government-controlled press and media expose the truths to the people? Will they ask people questions for the people? Isn’t this why we are all uninformed? Isn’t this why the media aids the government in concealing the truths from us, diverting our attention with pointless events, and pumping our stirring with entertainment programmes?
If the government is not for the people, will the government-operated banking system and money function for the development of our society? Isn’t money the major reason for all the system to continue functioning in the same way? Isn’t money the greatest obstacle for making positive changes in the society? Isn’t this why our lives are designed and structured to always chase money?
Aren’t all these systems interlinked together and act as a single system? Regardless of the complexities of the system, if one can understand the system, isn’t it designed to be so complicated to explain and make others understand? Crossing that hurdle, if someone is about to make an impact in the society, aren’t we all always losing the battle because our minds have been purposely programmed to fight within ourselves?
Isn’t it true that the current political and social model functions in this manner as a result of these well-planned deceptions? Isn’t politics alive and well because we are ignorant of these truths?
If so, when are we going to understand the system? How will we spread the truth to the people around us?
To understand the system, stay connected with Vattam. To inform the truth, share our creations in your social media networks continuously. We are here to speak the truth. And we are here to unite everyone.