We all believe that education is the most important tool for shaping our lives and our societies. And we all feel that our current education system is serving our best interests. But if today’s education system is functioning for our betterment, shouldn’t the students be happy going to school? And shouldn’t they be interested in studying and passionate about their subjects?
But, when all of our children attend their schools only due to the compulsion and continual pressure from their parents, and they are all uninterested towards their subjects, shouldn’t we question if the educational system is really serving the best interests of our children?
If the current education system is meant to serve our interests, shouldn’t we be learning what we need for our lives? Shouldn’t our education encourage us to think about how we may improve the world around us and our society? Shouldn’t we all be thinking for ourselves? Shouldn’t we all have a good understanding of how our society works?
But when many of us are not even interested in our own lives and are unaware of what is really going on around us, when we don’t care about any of the social changes, and finally, when most of us don’t even like to think about and analyse our lives, why do we all believe that the educational system functions to develop our lives?
Is our education system developing our thinking ability? Is our education system encouraging us to question? Or is it controlling our personal opinions and perspectives and programming our minds to blindly follow the society? If so, how can this education system benefit us?
Can today’s education system, which doesn’t want us to understand anything deeper but just makes us memorize and repeat what is necessary for the exams, function for our well-being?
Shouldn’t education let us think for ourselves and form our own opinions? If so, is our educational system helping us develop our own perspectives? Isn’t it filling all our minds with the same thoughts? Isn’t it cultivating a common point of view in all of us? Isn’t that common point of view planned to serve against our interests? If so, isn’t it reasonable to conclude that this education system is functioning against our well-being?
Have we ever thought about what our education system is really doing to our minds? Aren’t our textbooks and syllabuses crafted to the guidance of the governments? Aren’t they imposing their hidden agendas on our subjects? Aren’t we all programmed to think that what we read in our books is true? Aren’t we all led to feel that we know the truth by studying those books? Isn’t our thinking pattern manipulated in this way to argue against the actual truth?
If we are all manipulated to the needs of the governments and corporate businesses in the name of education, why do we believe that this educational system is functioning for our well-being?

After completing our education, how many of us are interested in reading books and exploring new topics and ideas? And if most of us don’t read or don’t want to read books after our education, isn’t our educational system contributing to our hatred for books? If so, how can this education system work for us?
Even though most of us are educated, why many of us don’t question any of the injustices happening around us? Isn’t our education system suppressing our questioning nature and training us to just accept our society as it is? If so, is this education system serving our interests?
Why do none of us care about our society? Why aren’t we concerned when our earth is continually exploited and our natural resources are degraded in front of our eyes? Isn’t our educational system narrowing our vision to just look at our lives, teaching us just the necessary skills to earn money, and training us to live selfishly? If so, is this education system serving us?
Is our education system developing the knowledge to improve our personal lives? Is our education system developing the skills to solve the problems of our society? Or is it just imposing the narratives and perspectives necessary to work for the rest of our lives for the profit of corporations? If so, is this education system working for our well-being?
Why don’t our books and subjects talk about the chemicals added to our food, their harms, and the diseases they can cause? And why are our subjects praising the Green Revolution when they are actually poisoning our foods and destroying our farmlands?
Why aren’t we taught in our 15 years of education about how our bodies function, what do we mean by a disease, how to protect ourselves, and how to recover from a disease? And why is our educational system imposing just the definitions and theories of a profit-driven medical industry as science?
Why hasn’t any of the media channel raised awareness about the true nature of today’s education system? And why do all the media networks impose this education system on our minds by celebrating the examination results and by advertising for the higher ranked schools and their corporate placement offers and income opportunities?
Why do governments standardize such a system of education? Why should the government support in developing such curriculum? Why is the government enforcing this educational system through public education schemes and employment qualifications?
Whatever the reasons maybe, isn’t it logical to conclude that today’s educational system is not working for us currently and it will never ever work for us in the future?
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