Isn’t money the most significant tool that decides our lives, regardless of whom we are or where we are in the world?
Can we have access to clean water, good food and a comfortable place to live if we don’t have money? Can we have good healthcare and education if we don’t have any money? Can we travel anywhere if we don’t have any money? Can we buy and do what we want if we don’t have any money? Will we be able to lead a respectable life, if we don’t have any money?
We all see money as a tool for achieving our personal growth because money allows us to have anything we wish. But, given that we can’t access anything if we don’t have money, why don’t any of us look at money as a weapon of controlling our lives?
Regardless of our justifications, isn’t it true that money determines almost everything in this world?
For an all-powerful decider to be protective and beneficial, it should be ethically right and morally just. And if not, wouldn’t the same be the greatest danger to everyone?
If that is a possibility, do we all know whether money is fair or unfair? Are we all well-informed of how money functions? Or at least, have any of us doubted or questioned the operations of money?
What else do we know other than the fact that the barter system, which allowed us to get what we desired in exchange for what we had, faced so many practical issues before money came into existence?
Who has the power to print money? Do the governments control banks and money supply? Or does money controls the politics and governments? What is the origin of money? What exactly is money?
If governments are in control of money creation, why does every country in the world borrow money from the World Bank continuously?
Why all the nations in the world are constantly in debts? Why are they unable to pay off their debts? Can any of the debt-ridden nations ever repay their debts completely? If yes, why aren’t they doing it? If not, why does the World Bank keep making loans continuously?

Do banks actually lend us the money? Or do we save our money in the banks? Where from and how did the money originate initially? How did it reach every person?
Do banks provide loans from the money we save in our accounts? Do banks charge interest from the borrowers and pay from that interest to the savers?
If that’s the case, where does the bank’s income come from? What will happen to banks that are unable to recover their loans? What will happen to those people whose money was saved in those banks? And how come banks have always been the country’s greatest income generators?
Why are the prices of all commodities constantly on the rise? Are price increases determined only by demand and production? What exactly is monetary inflation? And what is money devaluation?
While reading these questions, we may all be wondering why we should know these and what we are going to do with all of this information. But, how come we all think the same way?
Is it a coincidence that we all feel we don’t need to care about any of these questions? Or is this all pre-planned and are we all made to think in this way even without our knowledge?
We don’t know the answers to most of the questions. Do we? And we don’t even want to know these answers? Do we? Even if any of us want to find out the answers, aren’t they made up with complex definitions, confusing knots and complicated calculations?
Aren’t the answers all planned and created to end in a mystery so as to keep the facts hidden from us? Aren’t we all compelled to chase after the money so that we have no time to think on the history and the operations of the financial and banking system?
Aren’t we all conditioned to be ignorant about the truths behind the money and the financial system? If so, isn’t it an indication of a great deception and a huge scam to keep us ignorant about money, which has the power to determine every aspect of our lives?
To learn about the truths behind the money, how we have all been deceived, and what we can do to bring about a change, stay connected with Vattam. We are here to speak the truth. And we are here to unite everyone.