We all believe that the modern agricultural system produces our foods. But is food production the goal of modern agriculture? Is today’s agriculture really producing food?
But, what exactly is food? Isn’t food the primary support for the existence, functioning and growth of life on earth? If so, is today’s food good for our health and our life?
Isn’t it true that all our foods from the modern farming system are grown using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides? Aren’t the same chemicals used for suicide attempts in farming families and villages? Haven’t those attempts resulted in deaths and casualties?
If so, doesn’t they mean that the fertilizers and pesticides are the deadly poisons that can kill us? If true, isn’t the usage of such chemicals destroying our health continuously? Aren’t they killing us gradually?
If so, why use poisons in our foods that can kill our lives?
Is it to develop our agriculture? Or, is it to help our farmers? Or, is it to make our farmlands fertile? If so, has our agriculture developed? Or, have our farmers progressed? Or, have our farmlands become fertile?
Or, is it to increase our food production capacity and become sustainable and independent in meeting our food demands? If so, have we become independent and sustainable? Aren’t we still importing any food products from other nations? Even with such imports, have we as a nation satisfied the food demands of all our fellow beings?
If not, why sell poison in the name of fertilizers? Why advertise poison in the name of medicine? And why were all of these introduced for free? With those free offers, why force deadly poisons into all of our foods?
From those days when our foods were poisoned, haven’t our lives evolved to a time where it’s tricky to identify poison-free food? Assuming that the poisons sprayed on our farmlands were insufficient, haven’t our seeds themselves have become poisonous? As if that weren’t enough, how much of poisonous chemicals are added to our foods to preserve, to improve their flavor and to make them addictive? How much of our pains and difficulties are caused by these additives?

At times, when warnings like, smoking causes cancer and drinking alcohol is bad for our health have even become mandatory in those non-essential products, why are there no such warnings and health hazards in our foods especially when all of them are poisonous?
If we are to be warned, what will the warning be? Are we all to be warned specifying that our foods contain harmful toxins and deadly poisons and can lead us and our children to a number of diseases?
We may silence ourselves by thinking, when we all know that all our foods are poisonous, are they necessary? But, do we realize that those toxins and poisons in our foods are the root causes for most of our health problems and diseases?
Have we ever questioned on why the new-born children and the healthy individuals suffer from so many diseases and die continuously? Isn’t it true that the majority of the diseases among all age groups are caused by our poisonous foods?
While we frequently discuss about the medications for such diseases why haven’t we ever addressed the root causes of the diseases and started a dialogue about living a healthy lifestyle?
When science pretends to have contributed to the field of agriculture through the technological advancements and the everyday inventions that mechanizes human effort, is it not capable of aiding to food production without the use of these deadly poisons? Or, are healthy foods not produced considering the fact that they would reduce the revenues thereby hurting the business?
If so, don’t they expose the deception behind the act of manipulating the farmers to believe that they can’t produce food without the usage of these poisonous chemicals and brainwashing us to purchase the thought that we can’t produce food for everyone without the application of such harmful poisons?
Isn’t it reasonable to believe that we are all fed with poisons in the name of fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides as a part of pre-planned strategies to keep us continually sick so that the big businesses and corporate companies may continue to make money forever?
If so, don’t they signify the current reality of our agricultural system which is believed to produce healthy food for us is actually poisoning our food and leading us to diseases?
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It is producing poison food to live with more uncertain and no meaning to the life … days are not far to get into worsen if we, as an human beings do not realise the facts and to take corrective measures to go back to roots to be with nature and native seeds. Also it is really an scary situation in villages where it has lost the glory of village life. Now we are seeing the milk and other eatables are getting supplied from town’s to villages. Also current freebies have created the people to live with more lethargic and as well no moral values in today’s life. How far it is wise to offer these freebies for vote bank purpose and it is getting into much more worsen and uncertainties to misuse the powers and otherside it is getting penalized on middle class tax payers or especially salary holders that current tax slabs are decade back or more. How far it is wise to have politicians to get multiple pensions even for short term services and whereas there is no pension schemes for private salary holders who are making more tax contribution upfront on monthly basis that are held up paying 30% direct taxation at source and another 20-25% on their day today purchase needs.
Our social system is so successful because of the number of interlinked problems and confusions within each of its different sub-systems. So, let us not lose ourselves in those confusions. We shall unwind each of the knots, analyze one point at a time, take one step further and on a day we will be able to perceive the full picture and we ourselves will know what we should do. So let’s keep it simple for now. Our foods are being poisoned for business profits. And even though we are capable of producing healthy food, our agricultural system will continue to just poison them.