We all believe that today’s media aims to inform, educate, and entertain us. And we believe that media networks are functioning for our development. But if the media industry is truly serving us, shouldn’t they all be broadcasting information and news that is useful for our lives? If today’s media works for us, shouldn’t we all be socially conscious, responsible, and aware?
But when almost all of the media channels are sensationalizing unnecessary events and prioritizing useless news, and when most of us don’t care about politics or our society, why do we believe that the media industry functions to develop our lives?
Shouldn’t the media inform us about the wrongdoings of the government, make us aware of the reality, and question the government along with us? But when today’s media is purposefully promoting irrelevant information and useless discussions in order to cover up the mistakes of the government, who are they truly working for?
Shouldn’t the media interrogate and expose the hidden reasons behind the plans, proposals, and the decisions of a government? And if there are any hidden agendas, shouldn’t they educate the general public and ignite them to oppose the decisions? But even in the people’s protests, when the majority of today’s media companies collaborate with the government to deceive and distract us, isn’t it sensible to conclude that the media is working against the interests of the public?
How can the media industry contribute to our development when it detaches us away from the political reality by generating hatred towards politics with pointless debates and diverting our attention to movies, TV serials, sports and entertainment programs?
Why do the majority of the movies portray smoking, drinking, fighting, and violence as heroic deeds? Why do they always portray white as beautiful? Why do they all materialize women in glamorous clothes and advertise a luxurious lifestyle? How can an industry that exists to distract us from the injustices that are happening against us, work for us?
Why do the majority of the television dramas inject us negative thinking through emotional stories? Why are they promoting toxic relationships, jealousy, and vengeance? How can an industry that deliberately cultivates negative thoughts and emotions in our subconscious minds work for us?
When we, as young children, begin to question what we see and try to understand the world we live in, cartoon programmes are created and pushed on us to attract all our interests. And aren’t all the cartoons designed to silence our subconscious minds by projecting the existing perspectives of this world?
And aren’t all the electronic video games intended to program our minds to accept life as a race and to make us believe that we will only be rewarded when we compete? If so, how can an industry that aims to make us accept this broken world as normal function in our best interests?
Aren’t all the sports broadcasts creating a competitive spirit in our minds and dividing us? Aren’t they making sports into a patriotic act, stirring up our emotions and distracting us from all the injustices happening in the country? Is our national pride dependent on the outcome of a game or the result of a tournament? If not, why are they prioritized over the actual status of our societies?

How can advertisements be useful if they don’t explain to us how a product is made, what its ingredients are, and what its side effects are? How can commercials be good if they make us buy unhealthy and unnecessary products by driving our desires through attractively crafted visualizations?
Why aren’t the media channels informing us that our agricultural system is poisoning all our foods and killing us slowly? Why do they hide the fact that today’s agricultural system is making us sick, changing all our farmers into debtors and our farmlands into wastelands?
Why isn’t the media industry notifying us that today’s medical system that claims to cure our diseases is just working to profit from our diseases? Why do they hide from us the market value and the business profits behind the medical industry?
Why isn’t the media industry emphasizing how the education system functions against our interests? Why is the media covering up the fact that the education system that is supposed to make us to think has been controlling our thoughts for years?
Shouldn’t the media industry represent the voice of the people? Shouldn’t they act as the voice of the general population? But, when all the media companies are serving the voice of the government, the voice of politicians, the voice of the wealthy, and the voice of business corporations, why do we all believe that the media industry is serving our interests?
So, isn’t true that the media has never informed us the truths about the reality of our agricultural, medical, educational, and the political systems? And if it hasn’t told us any truths till now, isn’t it logical to conclude that they will never inform us the truths in the future?
To know about the truths the media is hiding from us and to participate in the conversations that can guide us to make meaningful changes in our lives, stay connected with Vattam. And if you like this article, do share it with your friends.