If there are any flaws and faults in the functioning of our political system we can try to make changes. But, if the primary goal of the politics in itself is not to serve the people, shouldn’t we reform our entire political and social structures?
We can try to prevent the crimes and injustices in a system working for the people; and if necessary we can protest. But, if all our political institutions were established with the intention of working against the people, wouldn’t a complete restructuring and rebuilding be the only lasting change?
Whatever it is, even to repair it, we need to understand it. We can only repair something if we know what it’s for, how it should work, what the problem is, and how to solve it. If so, to completely transform and rebuild something, don’t we need a deeper knowledge and a good understanding of the system?
When will the change happen? Won’t change happen only when we recognize if something is not really working and only when we realize that it cannot be repaired?
If true, won’t change happen only when we recognize that the system we believe to be working for us is working against us and when we understand that they will not work for us regardless of what we do because they are purposefully planned and structured to work against us?
If so, isn’t this understanding, the basic necessity to create a change?
So, in order to bring about a change, we first need to realize that the social institutions around us are functioning against us. We should all understand that the political system and the social institutions, which we assume are working for us, are actually designed to work against us.
We need to understand the politics that poisons our food and the commercial interests driving the food industry. We need to become aware of the market value of the medical industry and how we are all brainwashed for their financial profits. We need to realize that education and media have the power to control our thoughts and we should understand how they manipulate us.
We should realize how money became the most powerful weapon in our society and how it influences all the aspects of our lives. And we also need to understand how we are deceived from the truths behind our banking system.
And it doesn’t end with just understanding that the systems are against us. We need to understand the beliefs and ideologies, on which this system is functioning, how cleverly and subtly they have been structured, how each and every system is interconnected and how we are all being constantly distracted.

Because, we are not just controlled by power and we are not simply ruled by our governments. Our beliefs and truths are shaped by our education system. Our thoughts are continuously commanded by newspapers, televisions and internets. We are always on the run, chasing something because of the advertisements and the commercials. We are all controlled by our fears.
We are all deceived in the name of science and development. We are all enslaved in the disguise of history and freedom. And we are all silenced by our families, who are all fooled by this masterful illusion.
So, we need to understand that none of our political, agricultural, medical, educational, financial and media institutions operate as individual systems, but rather as a single system connected by complex links.
We should understand that our society and its systems function just as institutions, but as our beliefs, thoughts, sentiments, and emotions.
We should understand that our minds have become their greatest weapons. And we should realize that we don’t own or govern our thoughts. Instead, we are all programmed to think for the system by continuously cultivating such thoughts that will make us work for the system.
We should realize that our beliefs and thinking patterns working on their behalf are their most powerful tools used to control and enslave us. We need to identify those thoughts and beliefs and we need to recognize how those beliefs are defining our lives.
And if we begin to understand the illusions of our social structures, the underlying purpose behind those deceptions, and if we understand how these structures actually operate, we will no longer be waiting for a change, but will instead begin to transform our lives.
If so, isn’t that understanding, the basic necessity for a change?
Yes, change begins with understanding. And to know the truths behind the illusions and to understand the deceptions of the social institutions stay connected with Vattam. We are here to speak the truth. And we are here to unite everyone.