Why we started Vattam?
In a world ruled by deception, we started Vattam to speak the truth.
We now live in a world, where our foods are poisoned in the name of feeding the increasing population, our diseases are maintained and multiplied in the name of medication, our perspectives are manipulated in the name of education, our thinking patterns are distracted in the name of entertainment, our activities are controlled by controlling the flow of money and we are deceived and ruled in the name of government.
We don’t know what we’re really doing and what’s really happening around us. And we’re busy with our lives without even knowing that we don’t know.
So, to keep us informed about the truth that has been deceived from our eyes, to help us in learning what we don’t know but we need to know and to guide us in redefining our world, we started Vattam.
In a world where we are divided and ruled, we started Vattam to unite everyone.
We now live in a society, where each and every one of us identifies ourselves through groups, organizations, institutions and leaders. We are living our lives thinking we are the nations we live in, we are the languages we speak, we are the religion we follow; we are the job we do; we are the political party, sports persons, actors we follow and we have so many other divisions we have created for ourselves.
We have never identified ourselves as a common individual or as the belonging of the entire human race. We, at Vattam believe that’s the reason why we have lost our sense of our self and the wisdom of the humanity.
So, to make us imagine and feel ourselves as an individual and as a human collective, to erase the narratives that divide us and to create meaningful connections that unite us together, we started Vattam.
How we operate?
We do not focus on people and events. We focus on beliefs that can transform people and ideas that can change the world.
We, at Vattam believe that we are all the reflections of our society. We are the result of our upbringing and our social environment. What we do depends on what we believe and what we think. And what we believe and what we think depends on where and how we have been brought up. We are all influenced by our family, friends, community, education, media, status and many such aspects.
To blame just an individual for all his actions, without considering the social environment that influenced his actions is not a sign of a civilized society. There is always more than what meets the eye.
So, we, at Vattam do not just focus on people. We do not criminalize anyone. We question the beliefs of the people. We work in transforming the minds of the people. We do not sensitize events. We discuss the cause and consequence of the events. We work in changing the perspectives of the society.
An idea should be defeated by an idea, but not by defeating the ideologist. So, we wish to work anonymously.
An idea can change the world. But, for an idea to make a change, the idea needs freedom to express and the freedom to express them louder. In today’s world, ideas that can make positive impacts are censored, controlled and suppressed through various narratives. And great ideologies that can change the world for good are defeated by defeating the ideologist or by idolizing the ideologist.
We, at Vattam don’t want our ideas to be defeated either by defeating us or by idolizing us. Also, we want everyone to concentrate on the ideas.
We historically forget the creation and fight for the creator; we forget the message and follow the messenger. So, to concentrate on the ideas and to keep the focus on the message, we wish to work anonymously. And as anonymity is a great power too, we’ll always use it responsibly.
Vattam is not just a website. It’s a dream too.
If you have ever felt there is something wrong with the world, Vattam is here to inform and awaken you. If you have ever desired to change the world, Vattam is here to ignite and unite you.
Come on, let’s join and create our dreams together. Let’s work together and make those dreams, our reality.
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